Protect your skin from the sun's rays, use cream with a protection factor, minimum SPF 30. You should apply 20 minutes before from sun exposure and must be renewed every 3 or 4 times on the entire exposed body surface. Avoid the hours of greater intensity.
It is caused by the user's imprudence, either by ignoring the rules or by not respecting a series of basic acclimatization behaviors prior to bathing.
These types of injuries are suffered by accidents due to diving, accidental falls or precipitation. to the water. Usually leave important consequences. Follow the lifeguard's instructions as well as the pool rules.
For the well-being of all our guests, the use of personal speakers is not permitted in the lounge area. swimming pool and hammocks.
For safety and to maintain the quality of the water in perfect conditions, smoking or drinking is prohibited. in the pool or in sitting on its edge. For hygiene reasons, please do not use the glasses to throw away cigarette butts. use by please them ashtrays.